Contacting property management

Our current Property Manager is Parker Roach at Targa Real Estate Services. You can email him directly at, or call 253.815.0393 (office) or 253.754.6060 (direct).

You can also email the entire HOA Board of Directors (as well as the Property Manager) using the Contact Us page on this website.

Alarm and Backflow testing July 30-31

Just a reminder we will be conducting alarm system testing and Backflow testing this week on Tuesday 7-30 and Wednesday 7-31.


Please notify your renters and let them know this will be occurring.


If you can’t be present, please work with your neighbors to make your unit accessible to the test teams available as needed. In most cases this means making sure the garage is open for backflow testing.

Inspection Details:

  • Dates: Tuesday July 30th – Wednesday July 31st, 2024
  • Estimated Arrival Time: 9:00 AM

The process is the same as it has been in years past. Different buildings have different access needs based on the installed systems:

Note that no testing is required for buildings 6, 9, 11, 25.

On Tuesday the crews will be starting in the alley near the corner of Jacobia and the Parkway.

They will test from that location down the alleys between Jacobia and Jeffs, then will test buildings 13 and 14.

On Wednesday, testing will begin with Building 15, and continue to the end of that alley. They will then move to the odd street addresses on Merritt, then up Mitten (both sides), before concluding their testing at the corner of Mitten and Jeffs.

Please ensure that access to your unit is available during this time;

If you are a landlord, please inform you renters.

If you, (or you renters) can’t be available to allow access to your premises, please work with one of your neighbors to provide access as needed to your premises for the test crews.

For the Ridgestone Community,

Steve Haas – President – Ridgestone HOA

Parker Roach – Targa Community Manager

19 Jan 2021 Meeting Info

Zoom meeting info below.

Topic: Ridgestone 2021 Annual Meeting

Time: Jan 19, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 968 9918 2964

Passcode: 769225

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,96899182964#,,,,*769225# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,96899182964#,,,,*769225# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

Meeting ID: 968 9918 2964

Passcode: 769225

Find your local number:

New railing policy approved

The Board has approved a new policy regarding exterior railings, and it has been added to the Governing Documents page in the Policies section.

And another new property manager

The property management company (Targa) has appointed a new property manager for Ridgestone.

The new property manager is Heather Hoit. Her phone number is the same as previous property managers (253-754-6059), and her email is

More documents added

Meeting minutes for 2019 from the HOA Board and the Budget Meeting have been added to the Meeting Minutes page.

A few past newsletters from 2018 and 2019 have been added to the Newsletters page.  The Fall/Winter 2019 newsletter should be coming out very soon.

Another New Property Manager

The property management company (Targa) has appointed a new property manager for Ridgestone.

The new property manager is Nathan Patterson. His phone number is the same as previous property managers (253-754-6059), and his email is

New documents posted

Three new documents have been posted on the Governing Documents page.

Policy #3 describes the detailed process to follow for Board member elections.

Committee Charters for the new Landscape Committee and Social Committee describe the function of those committees.

New Property Manager

The property management company (Targa) has appointed a new property manager for Ridgestone as of 11/26, due to Irene Dallum’s departure from the company.

The new property manager is Chellore Knudtson. Her phone number is the same as Irene’s (253-754-6059), and her email is

Meeting Minutes added for 2017, 2018

Meeting minutes were added to the Meeting Minutes page for Board meetings in March, July, and November 2017, and the Annual Meeting in January 2018.

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